On Friday, April 22, 2016, NJSGC was the main sponsor of the workshop “Diversity and Inclusion: Passport to Success for Graduate Students and PostDocs.” This successful workshop, organized by the Office of Diversity and Inclusion (ODI) and the Graduate School, New Brunswick (GSNB), of Rutgers University, included a keynote speech by Dr. Roosevelt Johnson, Deputy Associate Administrator for Education at NASA Headquarters, Washington, D.C. Dr. Johnson gave a talk entitled “Building a Career in STEM: One Man’s Excellent Adventure.”
The workshop, which was attended by over 100 graduate students, also included talks on “Navigating Mentorship Relations: Some Practical Tips,” by Amanda Sorensen and “Applying for Funding as a Graduate Student and How Gradfund (a funding search program at Rutgers University) Can Help You,” by Dr. Ben Arenger. Dr. Jorge Schement, Vice Chancellor of Diversity and Inclusion at Rutgers, also spoke and discussed the diversity activities at Rutgers. Ms. LaShanda Williams, graduate student, opened the meeting and introduced the speakers.
For more details on the workshop and in order to participate in future workshops, please contact Dr. Evelyn Erenrich (erenrich@rutgers.edu), Assistant Dean at GSNB and Director of the Center for Graduate Recruitment, Retention, and Diversity (GR2aD), at Rutgers University. See workshop photos.